

If your 3rd paragraph is followed by an intrusive overlay promoting your newletter, then followed by a full paragraph promoting your podcast, please don’t go on whining about why you hate the internet. Thank you.

The dust has settled. Most of the changes are complete and should be easy to recognize. One change worth mentioning is the move to what I think is a better way to share my music. Btw - I’m grateful you’re here!

The old music player was cool because it allowed continuous listening while browsing. But its script interfered with others and more importantly, it was forcing all external links to open in new windows or tabs. That bothered me - my visitors should be free to choose how they want to browse, imo. You can still listen continuously with the new player and thanks to the change, you’ll notice that my little Web Neko is back up there in the corner. Yay!

As I like to say, please pardon our dust. Some changes have been made and others are in progress. You may experience some funkiness now and then as I work on it. Thanks!


I discovered just yesterday that 3 sections of the site (words, other, and guests) were affected by a perl script that had stopped working. It may have been like that for a few weeks or longer. Forunately, I found a redirect that was interfering with the script and resolved the issue last night. If you experienced issues recently, sorry. I was gonna fire the loose nut behind the wheel responsible for the problem but since that’s me, I didn’t. Cheers!